

札幌市民交流プラザ ロゴ





札幌文化芸術劇場 hitaru

Request for cooperation: Precautions for visitors to the Creative Studio during events hosted by the Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater hitaru

Anti-COVID measures taken by our staff
・ Our staff wear masks. Some wear face shields and gloves.
・ Our staff refrain from talking to visitors unless necessary.
・ Our staff keep tabs on their health by checking their temperature and sanitizing their hands.

Requests to visitors
○ Individuals who have the following symptoms or fall under any of the following cases are kindly asked to refrain from entering the studio.
・ Those who have a fever of 37.5ºC or more, or a fever that continues for two days or more
・ Those who have a cough, difficulty breathing, tiredness, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, loss of taste or smell, eye pain or pink eye, headache, joint or muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
・ Those who have within the past two weeks visited countries or regions where COVID-19 is widespread
・ Those who have been in contact with a person infected or possibly infected with the novel coronavirus
・ Those who are unsure about their health
・ Even if they have no concerns about their health, those with underlying conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart issues, respiratory disease) and pregnant women are urged to make a judicious decision with reference to information available from related organizations.
・ Tickets will be refunded to those who choose to or are asked to refrain from entering the studio to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., those with the aforementioned symptoms).
〇 We will check your temperature using a thermographic camera or a non-contact thermometer.
〇 You are kindly asked to wear a mask inside the building.
〇 You are kindly asked to wash/sanitize your hands before entering the studio.
〇 Depending on the event, you are kindly asked to fill in your name, telephone number and seat number on the Visitor Sheet. In the event of an outbreak, the information on the sheet may be provided to the relevant public health center and public institutions when required.
〇 You are kindly asked to maintain physical distance from other visitors.
〇 You are kindly asked to refrain from conversing while seated.
〇 Physical distance may be maintained between seats. If all the seats are reserved, you cannot move or change seats.
○ We refrain from giving handouts directly to visitors; You are kindly asked to pick them up instead.
○ After the event, you are kindly asked to leave the venue as instructed on the public-address system.
〇 You are kindly asked to refrain from waiting for performers, staff or others to enter or come out of the green room or elsewhere and to refrain from giving gifts to them.

Facilities etc.
〇 We have suspended the use of drinking fountains. Those who need drinking water to stay hydrated or take medicine are kindly asked to bring it with them and drink it outside the venue.
〇 It is recommended that you dress in layers to stay warm because the physical distance maintained between seats may make you feel colder than usual.
〇 You are kindly asked to take your trash away with you.